B2B Sales Lead Generation

Over 80% of all TTS projects involve a “lead generation” or escalation towards a sales opportunity, as well as market intelligence capture. The remaining 20% of TTS projects have been oriented toward survey work, customer care, and technical support. We have worked with a variety of technical and life science firms to help them find their market audience and market their product directly to this audience.

Most TTS clients opt for either pre-qualified phone leads or face to face leads depending on strategy, targets, resources and logistics. TTS clients often vary in:

  • Strategy (some TTS clients prefer a phone lead for a sales principal to further qualify.)
  • Targets (some TTS clients have targets that prefer a phone lead with a sales principal, particularly when a financial or technical related conversation is to be had.)
  • Resources (some TTS clients have a limited number of field sales reps, and thus wish to engage in phone leads, or to apply strict criteria as to “what is a qualified lead.”)
  • Logistics (some TTS clients have time constraints or distance constraints that help to define the nature of an lead and the criteria by which it is considered a quality lead.)

Lead Generation Philosophy:

In over 30 years in business, TTS has established itself as a “higher end” telemarketing entity, supported by excellent agents, applications support, process, and consultative experience. It is for these reasons that many technical and life science companies have come to TTS for their lead generation needs.

TTS considers itself a “large boutique”—capable of handling high production campaigns, but never losing sight of them.

With 80% of all campaigns in some way being lead generation, TTS was quick to adopt a number of philosophies about customer acquisition:

  • Quality NOT quantity. TTS is not a smile and dial “mill” style telemarketing company that “burns” through meaningless lists of cold prospects. Simply put, TTS would not be in business for 30 years, (with a long list of Fortune 1000 companies, and hundreds of Silicon Valley companies as clients) if it provided unqualified leads and sales. It is fundamental to the TTS value proposition, that outsourcing the lead process is good for the client and the customer. TTS strives for “sales buy-in”, knowing that to maintain an outsourced relationship, a client must never waste their costly customer care and selling time with sub standard contacts.
  • A lead is more than getting someone to say “yes”. TTS has developed a micro-managed technique, with Team Leader and Account Manager triple checking the leads BEFORE they are forwarded to a client.
  • A lead is only a lead according to client criteria. “Scriptor”, a TTS database interface application, is designed to guide agents through script and data capture adherence, with full logic tree branching, and custom fields. All data points including “need to know” and “want to know” are covered, quantifiable and reportable.
  • A lead is only a lead if it is delivered in a usable format, fitting the client’s work flow and management methodologies. In addition to conveying the message, and capturing prospect data, lead is not complete until it is scheduled, handed off, and checked for appropriateness.
  • Customer Service happens on an outbound call too. When TTS does a cold call to a prospect, it is with the understanding that even if the prospect says no, that call was a branding opportunity for a TTS client, and their name and reputation is at stake. When TTS calls existing customers of a client to convey a new offer, this is the most delicate customer service call of all. Though the intention of the call may be to get a lead, the intention of the call is to keep that customer as well. This is often a concept that is overlooked at larger telemarketing outsources, where a “keep dialing” approach is used to make up for customer attrition, that could have been avoided with a more intelligent call.

Contact us to learn more or start the Lead Generation Service today.

    If you’d like to learn more about how we can help your lead generation efforts