b2b appointment

Don’t Abandon Sales Appointment Setting, Outsource It

Many companies have given up on B2B sales appointment setting because they feel it is too demanding. This is unfortunate because when done correctly, appointment setting allows you to be more confident in your projects and set more ambitious sales goals to grow your business. It also allows you to increase your lead-to-prospect-to-customer conversion rates.


Why You Should NEVER Give Up on B2B Sales Appointment Setting

Many companies have given up on B2B sales appointment setting because they feel it is too demanding. This is unfortunate because when done correctly the ROI on B2B appointment setting calls can be tremendous. The good news is you don’t have to go it alone – Tactical Telesolutions can do the calling for you if you don’t have the time or expertise to do it in-house.

Why B2B Appointment Setting is Worth the Effort

B2B appointment setting is critical to a company’s ability to generate quality leads, close deals faster and boost ROI. That’s why appointment setters needed to be skilled at reaching decision makers and building the type of rapport that leads to face-to-face meetings with salespeople.

customer service rep

Companies Struggle to Keep Pace with Customer Service Calls During Pandemic

As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, companies across the nation are reporting a huge surge in customer service calls. For companies to weather this storm and maintain customer loyalty, they need to provide extra support for their customer service reps.