Cold Calling vs. Cold Emailing

When it comes to connecting with prospects, most companies put all their eggs in one of two baskets – cold calling or cold emailing. The truth is, however, that the best way to begin engaging with prospects involves calling and emailing.

According to marketing research, emailing without cold calling has been shown to be 98% less effective than following up an email with a call. The key is to take a measured approach and not just make follow-up calls haphazardly.

When prospects don’t answer the phone right away, salespeople consider it a waste of time. Of course, these salespeople neglect the important role voicemail can play when it comes to establishing a rapport. In fact, when used properly, voicemail can lead to meaningful callbacks. This is not to say that there aren’t cases in which salespeople are stretched for time or uncomfortable making follow-up calls. In these cases, outsourcing follow-up calls probably makes the most sense.

When using calls and email together, there needs to be a structured and consistent frequency. For example, you are more likely to reach a person on the phone if they have received an email from you. If a prospect is screening their calls, for example, recognizing your name and company from an email makes it more likely that they will pick up the phone.

The content of an initial email is also important. Focus on solving a propsect’s problem instead of just trying to sell that person a product. When following up with a phone call, you also want to remind a prospect that you sent an email – but never put them on the spot by asking them if they read it.

In the end, it is all about creating a connection. Let’s face it, no one wants to talk to a robot or read an email that sounds like it has been written by one. 

If you must choose between a cold call or a cold email, a call is always going to be more personal. A phone call also will allow you to adjust your strategy to fit the needs of a prospect as the conversation progresses. However, both methods have their own strengths. Cold emails are easier and less time consuming while cold calls are more effective at getting a direct response.

One last thing to consider. Many marketing experts will tell you that at the start and end of a sales engagement, phone calls are usually the best course of action. At the start of a relationship you want to make a connection and when you close a deal you want to cement the relationship. The best option for email, then, is usually somewhere in between.

If you need help connecting with prospects, contact Tactical Telesolutions at (800) 700-7422 or visit us at