How Best to Communicate with Customers and Prospects

Today, there are more ways than ever to communicate with customers and prospects. But more doesn’t always mean better.

A face-to-face meeting or phone call can go a long way toward cementing a relationship with someone you are going to be doing business with or who you want to purchase your product or service. However, more and more, holding a conversation seems to be a lost art.

While there is a time for texting, a time for calling and a time for a face-to-face meeting, it is important to understand the value in each of these approaches.


There are several advantages to texting. After all, that is why so many people text. It allows you to communicate in real-time and you have the luxury of carefully reviewing what you are about to send before you actually hit the send button. Texting also allows a customer or prospect to reply when they are ready.

Unfortunately, there are many disadvantages to texting, as well. How many of us have misunderstood the tone of text? Typing out a text message also takes a significant amount of time if there is a lot of information to convey so it doesn’t lend itself well to lengthy back-and-forth exchanges.

Phone Call

Everyone knows that feeling when you hang up the phone after a successful business call. You just know it went well. How? Not only because of the content of the conversation but because of the rapport you developed with the person on the other end. Unlike texting, you are better able to understand how a person really felt.

Of course, not everyone is comfortable talking with a customer or prospect on the phone. Nervousness may set in or you may not feel as if you are a master at the art of conversation. In such cases, it may make sense to outsource your lead generation calls, for example. This will ensure that these conversations go smoothly and make a strong impact. One thing is for sure, it would be a mistake to just decide to give up on phone calls since they are such an important part of the marketing mix.

Face-to-Face Meeting

Face-to-face meetings are the gold standard of business interactions. Like phone calls, they allow you to “read” your audience better and improve your chances at a genuine connection. Unfortunately, face-to-face meetings aren’t always possible due to scheduling and other factors. However, whenever you get a chance to talk with a customer or prospect face-to-face, it important that you jump on that opportunity!

Tactical Telesolutions specializes in lead generation solutions that are critical to a company’s success. To learn more, give us a call at (800) 700-7422 or visit us at