Putting the Life Back in Life Science: How Outsourcing Appointment Setting in the Life Science Field Can Boost Results

When it comes to outsourcing life sciences lead generation, some people key on the word outsourcing first. And many consider outsourcing work overseas to be the better because it is cheaper to do.

At TTS we think a different way to look at the conventional wisdom is while it’s true off-shoring marketing work in a technical field might be cheaper in the short term, it will likely have hidden costs associated with it. These costs make it less effective in the long run.

Before you listen to us, it will help to reference some outside sources on the topic. We’ve curated some articles you will find helpful. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Marketing


This article is a primer on why you may want to consider outsourcing parts of your marketing approach. #4 on the list is the one that caught our eye. Having outsiders take a look at your approach is a great way to accelerate results. 

Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Customer Service to an Offshore Call Center


While some of the challenges of outsourcing locally or outside the USA are the same, we’ve found the cultural queues to be significant in generating our results. Technology and language skills can be overcome but the scientific community in life sciences is a tough crowd and needs specialized attention. 

The Pros And Cons Of Outsourcing


This article touches on many of the same points as the previous two, but goes a little more into company culture. It’s listed here as a con in the pro/con comparison, but at TTS it’s one of the items we put in the pro column because it’s important to us when we’re representing your company. 

Essential Skills of a Successful Appointment Setter

Finally, we leave you with a short article on what to look for when evaluating appointment setters. TTS looks for many of the same qualities in team members as the author describes, but we evaluate other behavioral factors which we’ve found help  us maintain the speed and accuracy we’re known for. Contact us to learn more about what makes TTS different. 


If you are outsourcing marketing activities in your life sciences business, contact TTS today.

    If you’d like to learn more about how we can help your lead generation efforts