TTS Pricing Questions

  • How are fees and payment terms determined?

    Our payment terms are that payment is required before calling begins, but the campaign setup process can be completed prior to payment. Fees are based on the number of agents and number of months for the campaign.

  • How does TTS compare to pay-per-lead companies?

    We tend to produce higher quality leads with better information and a much higher hold rate for our meetings. We want to generate leads that will be valuable, and not just get someone to take a meeting who won’t be able to take action on your offering. Our goal is to provide quality and quantity.

  • What are your minimum pilot project hours?

    Our typical minimum project is one agent for 160 hours, or one month. However we recommend typically 2-3 agents for a 2-3 month project to give us time to ramp up and build a successful funnel.

  • Can the pilot project be less than 160 hours?

    We can do a single agent part-time for an 80 hour pilot, but the output of leads will be lower due to not calling for a full day on a daily basis.

  • Can TTS reduce it’s hourly rate?

    Our hourly rate is based on the number of agents and the length of the contract. We are happy to discuss rates with longer guaranteed engagement periods.

  • Why is TTS pricing so high?

    Our pricing is all-inclusive. You pay simply for the time the agent is calling, but your campaign will also include online reporting, weekly meetings with your account manager, and an involved pre-production process to ensure we have the list, proper scripting and messaging, and training of your calling team.

  • What if we are unhappy in the middle of the project?

    Can we stop or do we have to pay for the length of time in the proposal? At any time during your campaign, you can invoke a three day cancellation clause by notifying us in writing. You are not stuck in a contract, and even if we make a long-term agreement, you may still invoke your three day cancellation clause.

  • Wouldn’t it be cheaper to hire in-house?

    TTS is cheaper than a FTE. You don’t have to worry about insurance, you pay us, we handle the rest.

Contact us to learn more or start the Sales Lead Generation Service today.

    If you’d like to learn more about how we can help your lead generation efforts