The Key to Successful B2B Sales Prospecting

If you are looking to have more successful B2B sales prospecting? You are not alone. Sales prospecting is an oft-dreaded but critical task to fuel sales conversions.

No matter how established your B2B business, finding new customers and prospects is not something you will ever be able to finish. Instead, you must always be looking for ways to improve your prospecting methods.

To make that task easier, here are some ways you can more effectively prospect for new business.

  1. Get to know your ideal customer. If you don’t really know who your ideal customer is, you are going to strike out – a lot. Understanding your target audience will make all the difference when it comes to prospecting. What are your prospects’ interests? What are their pain points?
  2. Make prospecting a habit. When business is going well, prospecting seems to slow down. This is always a mistake. Set daily goals for your sales team. How many cold calls need to be made every day, for example. Consistency allows you to better avoid lead and revenue shortages down the road.
  3. Always be nurturing. Even if a prospect is telling you no, develop a strategy to nurture that prospect until they are ready to say yes. When a prospect says no to you, chances are they are really saying “not right now.” The trick is to avoid being pushy while maintaining a relationship with a prospect who isn’t ready to buy at this time but probably will be down the road.
  4. Embrace the cold call. Statistics show that almost 80% of decision makers have set an appointment following a cold call. Cold calling, despite its bad reputation, is still an effective method to get new business. Just make sure you do your research before you pick up the phone and set small, achievable goals. These goals should include things like a follow-up email, for example.
  5. Keep track of what’s working and what isn’t. Always monitor the results of your B2B prospecting efforts and make changes as necessary. Remember, B2B prospecting is always a work in progress so it is important that you tweak your strategy as necessary.

A full pipeline is the key to increased sales conversions and revenue streams and the only way to keep that pipeline full is through strong, consistent sales prospecting. While prospecting may seem less productive on some days than others, the fact that you keep doing it is what will matter in the long run.

Tactical Telesolutions specializes in lead generation solutions that are critical to a company’s success. To learn more, give us a call at (800) 700-7422 or visit us at